“The Right Fit”

Whether it’s the right workplace, business style, coach, or target audience, finding the right fit is key. In my own career and life journey I’ve learned that it all starts with knowing and accepting who I am, how I am designed, and then cultivating the right internal and external conditions to discover what works and what doesn’t, where I thrive and excel, what or who I need, and what others need too.

Many times, I have chosen paths or people that were not a good fit or that drained my energy and motivation, only to discover that they were redirecting me to my authentic self and a more life-giving path and place. As an innovative introvert, I really struggled with creating the optimal internal and external space that would allow me to process and discern my thoughts and emotions better, to reflect more in solitude, and allow my creative side to shine. As a melancholic, I tend toward overanalysis, perfectionism, and find it hard to connect with people in larger groups or busier work environments. However, I am very relational, empathetic, collaborative, strategic and deep. I value quality, meaning and working towards a common mission with others.

Enter Metanoia Catholic. I learned about the Reason Cycle and that our thoughts lead to our emotions which lead to our actions and that those thoughts are optional. What freedom! I learned about my temperament and strengths, what motivates and triggers me, and what my ideal conditions are. Knowing more about my temperament, strengths, and unique style has allowed me to show up better, contribute more, and ask for what I need. It has allowed me to embrace my weaknesses and vices and given me the courage to ask for help especially through group and one-on-one coaching, and to rely on others more who compliment me or are further ahead on the journey. I’ve learned that although I cannot control my circumstances, I can control what I choose to believe about them, God, myself, and others and to discern where is best for me to give my time, energy, talents, and resources.

In their Catholic Coach training program, I learned how to walk others through the process of capturing their thoughts and feelings and am now coaching others to do it. All of this has enabled me to create a home and workspace where I can set boundaries and create the conditions I need to be me and show up well for my family, friends, and clients, working from my strengths and gifts while honouring my temperament and unique coaching style and pace. It has also cultivated my interior life so I can make better decisions with God and show up more present in prayer.

Getting coached by others has allowed me to see myself and my circumstances from a more grace-filled and neutral perspective and strengths coaching has allowed me to see how I and others are wired and to “name, claim, tame and aim” those contributions in the right direction, toward virtue and interdependence. Being a part of this Catholic community of coaches has changed my life and helped me discover my fit.

I don’t need to “fit in” anymore, I have permission to stand out and help others do the same.

– Veronica Ljubicic


Catholic Life Coaching | Catholicism and Mental Health